Monday, June 7, 2010

China Day 2: The Great Wall of China

Today we were off to the a section of the Great Wall called Mutianyu. We had a great breakfast and we were off to the wall.

Sky Michael, and I are ready to climb some history!

This is a picture of Charlotte our tour guide, we love Charlotte!

She is so great and we loved having her.

It was an hour and a half drive and finally arrived...quick picture at the bottom and we are ready to go.

We have our walking shoes on and are ready to go!

We were ready to find some stairs and Charlotte pulled out tickets and we took a gondola ride to the top. No point in wearing yourself out to get TO the wall.

Better to wear yourself out walking the wall.

On the Gondola headed to the top

Picture as we got off the Gondola

Our first view of the Great Wall

Now it was time to start walking. It was amazing to know that you were walking a path that was built 1500 years ago. That people spent their entire lives building this wall one stone at a time. A thought that saddens me to know the life they led and also shows the perseverance of the Chinese culture. I didn't take one minute or step for granted and really tried to soak in the view and experience. I was surrounded by the greatness of creation...Here are only a few of the AMAZING pictures. The haze you see is not the camera or flash it's the smog from pollution in China. This is where we starte out!
Here are some more of the fun pictures of the need to find a treadmill today :)
Michael and Diane are up above Laura...we were so thankful for the look out points that gave us shade and a breeze in between the steps Yes....there is cell service on the Great Wall of China It was hot and tiring and not enough water in China, but worth every breath! We made it a long way from where we started! We befriended and walked with a sweet family from Austraila (behind us) and they took a great picture of our last stop before turning around.

Steps that went down! A monk came walking past us (not something you see everyday)...and I was able to snap a picture without him realizing!

We met back up at the Gondola and decided it was a must to take the slide back down the mountain...OF COURSE!! Sky rode with me and we were so fast that we got yelled at by all the employees along the way with megaphones yelling..."SLOW DOWN" We didn't really listen...What were they going to do?? Throw us off the wall?
A view of the slide from the Gondola on the way up The wind blowing through our hair!

We had a great lunch in a restaurant there at the bottom of the mountain. Lining the streets were vendors to sell to the tourists. Sorry no pictures...I was in my element it was bargaining time. I found great souvenirs and had a fun time haggling with the vendors...They didn't see me coming and little did they know that Mexico was a great training ground. The trip home was quiet and everyone fell was a long but memorable day full of God's beauty and grace. Whoever believes that God is not in China has never been to the Great Wall! He surrounds it and I felt his presence walking with me and I thanked him for the blessing of this opportunity and will not take any minute for granted. Till tomorrow...Blessings from China xoxoxo


1 comment:

Aubre Rice said...

Oh I love seeing The Great Wall! Wow, what an incredible trip! A slide to the bottom?? HOW FUN! Was it fast? Miss you and love you!