Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Day of School

We made it through the first week of school. The kids are going to a brand new school and boy oh boy is it nice. They have smart touch screens, Mac computers in every class, and the classrooms are nice and big!

Jared has Mr. Phillips as a teacher and is just psyched to have a male teacher two years in a row. He really loved Mr. Deck last year and it is looking like he is going to love Mr Phillips and 5th grade too.

Drew had a rough year last year and was really crushed by his teacher. We prayed so hard for an amazing teacher this year that could love him for him and build him back up or Mama was going to homeschool him. Well...his teacher is awesome. Her name is Ms. Hoover and she has been so amazing with Drew this first week. For those of you who don't know Drew is severely dyslexic and has struggled but that is another post all together. Drew loves her and continues to tell us that, "...She loves EVERYONE in the WHOLE class no matter what...she calls all of us her friends..." God is good and we are continuing to pray for our Drew and feel blessed that God chose Ms. Hoover for us she is so sensitive to Drew and sincere. We can't wait to see how the year goes. Drew also had an amazing learning specialist last year Tammy and again God is Good....Tammy is at the new school and is going to work with Drew again. We LOVE Tammy and she really loves Drew.

Delaney....What can I say but Kindergarten (half day...afternoon class...thank goodness because I know I am not ready for her to go all day and we enjoy our mornings together) Again, God blessed us with an amazing teacher that many of my friends kiddos have had and loved her. Mrs. Marcheze...Delaney loves her and looks forward to school everyday. She is so grown up with her backpack on when she blows me a kiss and then heads into class. Ahhhhh...

started....The kids are all in Gold Rush t-shirts because the school handed them out and asked everyone to wear them the first day so that could take a school picture since it was the schools first day....You will also notice that Laney is not in the boys picture because she had 4 hoursHere are pictures of the kids first day and another we took of all of them before school before she went....Grammy and Papa were visiting with us for the week and were able to be here for the kids first day...the kids loved being able to share it with them! There is a great picture with Papa but I think the one with Grammy is on her camera...I will try to get it and put it in...Enjoy the pictures xoxoxo
Come on now boys....I know summer is over but school will be fun!
Drew 3rd Grade / Jared 5th Grade
Jared and Drew with Papa...We love you Papa!!Look how big she is...It feels like she was just learning to crawl...Our last first day of Kindergarten picture...Hmmmph
Waiting for the teacher with "the girls" boys to be found
they were climbing the dirt mounds
girls will be girls and boys will be boys :)
Delaney is first in line with her teacher Mrs. MarchezePictures in front of the school



The Marx Family said...

How fun! SCHOOL! YEAH!!!! They look so cute and grown up! Don't you just love all the new technology at these schools!! So much more than we had back then, huh! Delany looks and sounds like she had a great first week at school, the time just flys. Faith is in PM Kinder too and I just love my mornings with her. Well most times...HAHAHA. She is my little drama girl and likes total one on one attention and takes FOREVER to get ready for school, she sings in the shower, stands in front of the mirror...La de da...La de da.

Bryan and Erin said...

I love the picture of the girls at the door. I will never have that. All of mine will be in the dirt getting their new school clothes dirty! Thanks for the blog I have been watching for this one!!!!

Aubre Rice said...

Those pictures are precious! I just love the one of the girls hanging out at the door! She does look like such a big girl these days! Ahhhhhh! I am with child will be in the dirt too...maybe eating it! It is WAY to fast isn't it?! Good job kids on your first week!