Monday, September 8, 2008

Durango the End of the Saga!

I ended the last Durango post with Gramma Jeanne on the couch after hurting her knee saying, "I just pulled the ligaments...It will be okay!" Next morning we get up and I ask her how are you doing and she tells me she is good and it is even not bruised. But she can't put weight on it so she asks if I will lotion her up...No problem! Lotioning and oiling, lotioning and oiling (sorry got lost in my head that was a line from The Sandlot...focus Alison) As I am getting close to the knee and I see that is COMPLETELY bruised...not bruised...crazy woman...TOTALLY bruised. I call my Dad in again and tattle on her again and that is when it is time to take her into an urgent care...Sounds good so Paul and I took the kiddos to the pool. We were hoping to dirt bike again but that was looking grim so I started thinking...Hmmmm...what do I love to do in Durango...RIVER RAFTING!!! The kids were on board (i'm so funny get it on board...never mind) So we scheduled our trip and headed into Durango.

What about Gramma Jeanne you ask...okay so the Dr. could not see any breaks on the X-Ray but since she is old...what sorry I meant a young blossoming flower...they wanted to do an MRI to make sure they didn't miss anything. And, sure enough they did and she had a perfect T break on her leg right in the tibia (for those less knowledgeable about the bones it is the bone that is from the ankle to the knee and her break was above her shin). They finished up with her and put a splint on her, gave her a few drugs, and told her to see her doctor when she got home. From that moment on my Daddy officially named her...
In the meantime we headed to the river rafting place and Mom and Dad got done just in time to meet us there and take a few pictures for us...All the kids were super excited and we had a whole boat to ourselves...AWESOME!!!
The Picture We Purchased....LOVE IT! Look at all those Studs...
Getting ready to case you had trouble putting that together :)
Gramma Jeanne straight from the ER...Still looking good woman!
Drew showing everyone what to do if you fall out...or what not to do...not to sure :)
As you can see we had a great time rafting and the kids can't wait to do it again! We were getting ready to leave the next morning but really wanted to try and get one more ride in so we decided to wake up at O' Dawn Thirty to ride again...Drew and Gramma Jeanne stayed home. It was gorgeous outside here are some pictures my Daddy took of us and the last one has been photo shopped by my Dad see if you can pick out the thing in the picture that doesn't belong:)
Did you guess...Yes it was Gramma Jeanne...dirt biking is a definite no no on crutches. But we all know Gramma Jeanne hates to miss out on anything...but Drew on the other hand is happy to miss things for his sleep. Then we left afterwards and headed back to Denver. On our way we found a waterfall and stopped with the kiddos so these are the last pictures of the trip. It was super fun and we loved every minute...Thanks Gramma Jeanne and Poppies you are awesome!! We had a blast! Nothing better than a weekend of memories! (I really like explanation points can you tell??)XOXOXOXOXOXO

1 comment:

Aubre Rice said...

Poor Jeannie!! Your pics are awesome from the raft trip, I remember doing that with you on our trip there (do you remember?). We didn't want our hair to get wet in case we met boys later that day. Funny. Were you nervous about Little Laney falling out?? Love your blog my friend, it is SO great to be in touch!