Thursday, August 13, 2009

34th Birthday!

Can I really be 34?? Crazy how time flies by but it must be true. Married for almost 14 year to the most amazing man...a 12 year old that is as tall as I am....a fourth grader that uses words that I have to look up in the dictionary....and a first grader in school full time who runs into my arms everyday! Priceless! Last year with the "Police" incident (see august archieves-funny and memorable) made this years birthday seem so quiet. The positives are that I STILL get carded everytime I order anything "from the special grown up menu"!

I must say as I ponder my last year that all I can say right now is that I am truely blessed! Blessed by a gracious and forgiving God knowing that I fail daily but still loving me unconditionally and pressing me forward. Blessed with a husband that not only stands up for our family and leads us with selflessness but a soldier who does the same for this amazing country. Blessed with an incredible family full of passion and life and who choose to live for everyday not just tomorrow. A family that brings me joy everyday! Blessed with friends that are an extension of what makes me who I am. What more could a girl ask for...I love you all and thank you for loving me for who I am and helping me see the me I want to be!


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