Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'M BACK!!!!!

My last post was the first pre-season games in football!!??? WHAT??? Ok to say I stink at blogging is an understatement! Now that all family is in Tucson (yes Erin left paradise for the desert) I need to keep everyone updated with pictures and all that so I need to find time in my schedule to blog.

Are you really that busy? Well, actually yes I am! I have three amazing kids that I am a shuttle service for, volunteer in their classrooms, and all around fixer and mother. Jared is almost 13! SAY WHAT? A teenager....ahhhh...and so handsome at that! I am a military wife STILL to the most amazing solider and did I mention that I went back to school...yes back to school!

All my kiddos are in full day school and mama wants to be a nurse! So I am going back to school to finish up my pre-req's and then will get my BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) WOO HOO!! I am loving it! Last semester I took my advance psychology class and this semester I bumped it up with Biology and Sociology. The biology is so fun and interesting but by far the hardest professor I have ever had!! I am really enjoying it and it is fun to DO my homework with the kids :) But, for some reason they always finish before me and leave me in the dust! In the fall I have math and know that Jared will have to reteach me :)

There is so much that happened since Jared's pre-season in football: more football, a scary hospital stay, broken bones, amazing theater productions, and more! Stay tuned for all those great stories but first...I have a journey that I'm headed on...CHINA! Follow along!


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