Tuesday, June 15, 2010

China Day 5: Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, Hutong Neighborhood, Bell Tower, & Tea House Part 1

Whew! Today was a crazy day!! Today we joined the entire tour group...7 families total. All with girls who were adopted from China. We had to be up and ready to leave earlier than I would like to say and those of you that know me know I am NOT a morning person but I was ready for a great day. Charlotte is a scheduled girl and we were off to follow the flower. She had a flower and we were to find the flower when we were out in VERY busy place.

The Temple of Heaven was beautiful. You can pay to just get into the park or to actually go into the temple areas. The parks are filled with the local people and that is what I loved! I love the people, watching the people, talking to people (which is just Ni Hao) and them pointing and looking at the unusual sites of American's with Chinese children.

The group and Charlotte and the flower

This sweet older gentleman was practicing calligraphy outside
the temple gates! Charlotte says they will come and practice
all day. Michael told me what he wrote, "The Great people of China
are the giant dragon of the Orient!"

Morning dance class in the park

Everything in China is symbolic and there is a reason for how
they create their architecture. This is best explained as the outer courts.
Everything is done in 9's which is the emperor's number. 9 is the highest
ranking number and shows reverence to the emperor who would come here
to pray and meditate. They also believe that square and rectangle stands for
earth and the ground that a circle leads to heaven. That is why the stairs
are leading up to the circle.

The center of the circle at the highest point.

All the beautiful adopted girls from China

The Inner Court where the emperor would come to worship

The emperors inner area of worship...again in circles

The section outside the first part of the Temple...
Dance class anyone can join in

The next section was for Good Harvest established in the early Ming Dynasty

A moment of reflection...again everything is in 9's

The last section of the park was covered in people. People selling
on the streets to us tourist (we definietly stick out), dance classes,
older ladies singing, games. I learned how to say I don't want it very
quickly because they don't tak no thank you or no for an answer but if
you say "buyao" they leave you alone (buyao - sounds like boo-yow).

I loved these men hanging out on the ledge...smile :)

Just another day in the park with heels and dancing

After the Temple of Heaven we loaded on the bus and went to Tiananmen Square. If you do not know about the massacre that the Chinese government inflicted on the young protesters it is to long to write so google it and you will see the sad history. On a brighter note it is the largest city square in any city. It was a lot similar to Washington DC area with their congress, etc. There is a huge section that is a museum that holds the glass coffin of Mao. People come from ALL over China to visit Mao and pay their respects. There are mixed feelings about Mao. He helped us during WW II and had many horrible wars with Japan. I know that some do not think he was horrible and those who believe that he was a terrible horrible leader and man they no one will never speak out about it because punishment would await. If you do not know about Mao and his reign read up on that one also! I think my favorite part was seeing the soldiers! Being a military wife I am very interested in seeing their armed forces.

A group of grils on a fieldtrip

Our group of kids playing with China's version of the
hackie sack....Charlotte was giving them pointers

Part of the Square that overlooks the Forbidden City
and a picture of Mao

China's version of the changing of the gaurds

I have to sign off for today and will finish up with the neighborhoods of the Hutong and the rest of the day. Don't want to over run Erin with too many pictures to post. THANKS SISTER! xoxoxoxo


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