Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Day In The Life Of Jared At Eagle Lake!

(Picture-In front of the lake with the blob and zipline behind it!)

This is going to be fun. I am going to interview Jared and hopefully pull out all the details of his experience at Eagle Lake. It should be easier than pulling out a loose tooth but we will see...Just some background on camp. This is part of the Navigators youth program so we had an insider in my brother in law Bryan. He runs the Day Camp so he works with Mark (the Director of Eagle Lake) and all the counselors and goes to the lake each Sunday so we went with him early. The camp is for kids 9-14 (I think). We drop them off and they stay in cabins with college counselors and no phone calls home. So here it is...

Mom~ "So tell me what you thought when we pulled into camp Sunday morning?"
Jared~ "I saw a sign for hyperspace and that looked cool and that meant the theme was going to be futuristic and that sounded fun."
Mom~ "Did you like that we were at camp before any other kids? Why?"
Jared~ "Yes! Because I got to see everything and meet everyone before all the other kids did."
Mom~ "Score on being Uncle Bryan's nephew! After lunch we were getting out all your stuff and Uncle B. introduced you to your counselor and then we left how were you feeling then?"
Jared~ "Excited and nervous."
Mom~ "Why nervous?"
Jared~ "Um, because I didn't know anyone and I didn't know what to do or what was next."
Mom~ "So what did happen next?"
Jared~ "After you left all the campers came and uh we met our counselor on the beach."
Mom~ "Then what?"
Jared~ "We all went to the t-dome (thunderdome) and we talked about what Eagle Lake was going to be and what we were going to do next. Then we had dinner and then we finally went to the cabins. I was in Mohawk. We picked our bunks out and I had a bottom bunk because "Newbie's" have to sleep on the bottom."
Mom~ "Next year you'll be on top, everyone has to do there time at some point :) Anything else that first night?"
Jared~ "No..."
Mom~ "Alrighty then...Monday morning...Go for it...Fill us in!"
Jared~ "Um, we woke up at 6am and I wasn't feeling well so I went to the infirmary and I stayed there till 9:30 and yes I puked...3 times. So I missed the camp picture oh well and um (long pause maybe it will be like pulling teeth:)...we had lunch and then we had free time."
Mom~ "Pretty brave to eat. What did you do during free time?"
Jared~ "I did the zipline and I took the swim test and I did the vomitron three times."
Mom~ "The thing that spins you around? Yes...After you puked all morning? Yes....Way to not give up and jump in kid...Then what?
Jared~ "We went back to the cabin and did our Bible study, then dinner, more teaching all together, then bed."
Mom~ "Give me highlights of Tuesday."
Jared~ "I got up at 5am to do Dippy Club. Dippy Club is when you jump in the lake at 6am in the morning. Can you say really cold. But cool. We did a scavenger hunt. We had to do a series of tasks and whoever had the most things done would get more point. We were trying to earn points all week. One of the tasks was to stand on a log and arrange ourselves in order of our birthdays without falling off."
Mom~ "So fill us in on Wed."
Jared~ "I did Dippy Club again at 6am. If you do it four times in a row you get a dog tag and are a member of the exclusive (his word) club. It is also the day that we that we had a man fire (he is smirking let's see where this goes) is where we get in a group around a big huge fire at night and I had 6 s'mores (that's my boy)...We also played Camo...It's when counselors count to a certain number and you try to get to them before the number ends...if they finish counting and you don't find them you better find a hiding spot or if they see you, you get sent back to the beginning. We also played capture the flag and I was on "C" Squad. C squad stands for cheerio squad. The object is to capture the opponents flag or to get as many cheerios as you can and put them in a small bucket. So, I was obviously working to get cherrios. It was awesome! By the way we won.
Mom~ "Tell me about Thursday."
Jared~ "Thursday is when I did mountain boarding down this huge hill. It was also the day where I did rifflery."
Mom~ "They let you shoot a real gun? Oh vey!"
Jared~ "22 cal (he is smirking again). Oh mom, it's very small(eyeroll). Oh Yea and that was the day that we woke up at 4am am took a long hike to a cross at the top of a mountain and we looked at the view. It was cool. Dippy club again too. I did it twice and got my dog tag!! We also played the coolest game ever. It is called Maximus. It's a relay race and the team that gets the most points wins. I was a Colossal Canadians. So like one thing was crash landing. So I slide down a slip n slide and I have to avoid objects on the way. Then I did Gyro retrieval which is where I swim out to the lake touch a buoy (sp?), then come back and get a small ball and you run it back to your team. Not sure why I always get the coldest parts of the game. The slip in slide had water pumped from the lake too.
Mom~ "Tell me you 4 favorite things?"
Jared~ "The Blob (you can see it in the picture behind Jared), Capture the Flag, Maximus, & Rifflery
Mom~ "Tell me how you grew spiritually?"
Jared~ "My counselor taught me how to read the message Bible and compare it to my other Bible to really see what God is saying. We talked about how Paul convinced the people that there is only one true God. Basically I learned how important quiet time is to really get to know God and I am committed to doing it at home and not just camp."
Mom~ "That is amazing. Anything else you want to tell me?"
Jared~ "I made lots of friends but especially Dakota, Caleb, and Andrew. And, I am so going back every year. It was awesome."

Sounds like Jared had a great time and you could tell God really moved in his spirit.

Drew is next so check back to hear all about Eagle's Nest!! XOXOXOXO

Jared and his Buddies!

Jared and his Counselor!

Made him take a picture
with his Mama! :)

Jared and his Auntie!(&Levi)
"Thanks Auntie and Uncle
Bryan camp was

Logan and Laney had fun picking up
Jared too...There were butterflies
everywhere and they loved chasing


1 comment:

Aubre Rice said...

Welcome home! I love the interview, way to pull it out of him mommy! I can't believe how much that camp reminds me of Forest Home! Geez, even the blob, I was so scared of that thing! I remember going up the stairs and coming back down (so embarrasing!). Love you my friend! Aubre