Monday, July 14, 2008


I was pondering why I was so edgy yesterday and I BLAME it on the heat! My back was hot, my shirt was sticking to me everytime I got in the car, Paul had guard drill, and we were busy. I didn't overreact to anything or make the families life miserable I just was grumpy to myself. My house was hot even with the air and I know we are blessed to have AC so I shouldn't complain but I did to myself...Didn't want to cook or do anything productive other than sit with my kiddos and do nothing. Growing up in Tucson you would think I would like the heat and hot summer days but I think it is just the opposite. TUCSON HEAT RUINED ME! But I must say today is gorgeous and we love Colorado. It really has great summers and I have a whole new outlook and am going to be a girl who has a glass half full. Like I tell the kids, "Many times in life happiness is a choice." I choose to be happy so here is what I love about summer!!

1. My kids are with me all day and I don't have to share them with their school.
2. Camping and s'more filled days :) Yum
3. Watching the joy on my kids faces while they swim the day away (while I burn...Alison no no no chose happy thoughts!!)
4. BBQ's and Dinner OUTSIDE on the deck.
5. That everyday is almost like 2 days...It stays light for so long that we can jump on the trampoline at 8:30 at night and have more time when Daddy is home. (I LOVE THAT)
6. That the kids can have living room campouts every night if they want because um let me think...NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!
7. The way the God has the sun SLOWLY sink into the sky each night and because it is so late we can take advantage of watching it on the porch while the kids ride their bikes. It just seems like life slows down.
8. Sweet Tea and Lemonade. (Need I say more)
9. The way the sky seems darker but the stars are brighter. Who needs entertainment when you can walk outside on a cool summer night and have a show that I know God put on just for me! I think he throws in extra stars in the summer just for us to enjoy.
10. Lightning Shows as a Monsoon passes through.
11. Last but not least did I mention I don't have to share my kids...and because the days are longer more time with Paul too(we all love that).

PS. The boys are home from Camp! YEA! We are going to sit down in the next few days and they are going to help write posts about all their amazing experiences. So keep an eye out. Love you all...



Bryan and Erin said...

I like your list! Don't forget about ice cream and popsicles:)

Aubre Rice said...

GREAT list my friend. I am with you on the grumpiness though some days and yes, Tucson did ruin us! We are in Ohio so we have pretty good summers but oh how I love when fall and spring rolls around. Glad the kids got home safe and sound....let the craziness of the Marien household begin! When you get a chance, email me Erin's email address, I would love to say hello! Hugs, Aubre