Thursday, July 24, 2008

Erin's 24 Hours OFF!

I was super excited that Bryan was going to be able to watch the boys and give Erin a little time off but no one was more excited than Er. A little background...Erin has Logan just turned 4, Landon 18 months and here is the kicker Little Levi 5 months...WHOA BABY is she busy!! It is Youth Camp season so Bryan typically puts in a 60 hour work week and that means Erin doesn't get much of a break to breath. So Bryan gave her 24 hours off and we ran with it!! Thanks Paul for letting me show her a good time :) Erin came over Friday night and I whisked her off to dinner at a super cool restaurant Paul and I found. If you know Erin you will know her greatest loves are God, then her family, then her red meat!! The restaurant was at the top of a hotel and they serve steak on a 500 degree piece of volcanic rock and you get to cook it yourself. SO FUN! Then we rented a movie and hung out for the night and to top it off she actually watched the whole movie and didn't fall asleep. The next day we decided to kick our bumpers into gear and took a step class at my gym. Now, just to fill you in my gym doesn't have beginners classes so we jumped right into advanced and Er said she had never sweat that much in her life. It was a tough class. Then we grabbed a yogurt then jumped in the jacuzzi (ahh the jacuzzi, the only real reason to take a class that tortures you). Then to add to our demise we hit the mall and shopped until we literally dropped. Dillard's had great sales and we did really good. I mean come on shorts for $4.75...we totally rock (and now have a matching wardrobe :~) ). Then we were so tired we sat down at Cheesecake factory and had some lettuce wraps then called it a day and she went home. We had a great time and almost forgot to mention that Erin got her own blog designed so check her out it is sooooo cute!! LOVE IT!! A link to her blog is on the under my favs or just go to
Here are some fun pics from our fun 24 hours XOXO

Er and I at the fun "Red Meat"
Restaurant :)

Yummy...Red meat

Smile for the Camera

No Dinner out is complete
without a crazy picture!

After our step class...see the
nice tomato color with a
subtle pale glow:)So Pretty!

I have the best sister ever!! It was
a super fun 24 hours! Love you!


1 comment:

Bryan and Erin said...

Thanks Sister for my awesome day! I loved it and it totally re-energized me. Now I can get through the last two weeks of camp. I love you my sister and my best friend!!!!!