Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fun with Just Me and My Little!

It is just Laney and I for the rest of the week and we like to march around the house and yell, "GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS, NO BOYS JUST GIRLS!" We are loving our time together. So today we were making smoothie's and the TV was on in the background. All of the sudden Laney says, "Mom we really need to get aqua globes. They water the plants just perfect for you. Mom you do NOT need to lift a finger. That is one less chore I say...Check!" Funny, funny girl. Can you say too much Disney Channel in the morning!

Today Delaney was in a pedicure kind of mood...Luckily for me and my wallet she wanted to do the pedicures. Pictures below....We match! Hey and no laughing at my Fred Flintstone feet they are what God gave me to work with. :)


1 comment:

Lesley said...

I love reading your blog! its my new daily ritual!! I am so glad you finally started one--love you!