Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We had a Tornado YES a TORNADO!!

Denver...what is Denver known for...Bronco's, The Rockies, the Rocky Mountains....but a Tornado...NO WAY GET REAL....Travel back with me to Sunday evening...We just got to Jared's third tournament game for the weekend and the clouds start up and it is just about time for them to get on the field. Then it starts to rain and there is some lighting so they send everyone to their cars. We sit in our cars for the delay of game and the rain starts to lighten up so everyone heads back out and gets under a gazebo. (I personally would call it a ramada but I have come to realize unless you are from Tucson people have NO IDEA what a ramada is other than a hotel :) The clouds are all swirly then we all see this small little funnel cloud come out of the sky. Very cool! We are all oooohhhing and ahhhhing because it is small and the clouds are really high...Definitely to high for it to touch the ground. Because of the funnel cloud, which by the way will never touch down because it is to high in the clouds, the referee's call the game and again we all head back to our cars. As everyone is getting to their cars out of no where from the ground the bottom forms a tornado and meets the top in the middle. NO WAY!!!! AWESOME!!! Wait that tornado looks like it is just a couple miles away. (We are in Castle Rock which is the suburb that is 15 minutes south of Parker which is the suburb we live in) Have I mentioned my two little ones Drew and Laney are at my nieces house in Parker because they were tired of the tournament and Jordyn said she would babysit! HMMM...that Tornado is heading staight for Parker...We have to go...NOW! After a phone call to Jordyn who says, "WHAT??" and runs outside to look then I in my very calm Auntie voice say, "Honey...Would you please get all the kids in the basement and stay there until I call you and tell you all is good. Thanks pumpkin." They only live about 3 minutes from our house. Now some of you will know that there is a short cut from Castle Rock to Parker on the back road Crowfoot Valley that basically drops off at my nieces house and then our house. We are flying down I-25 ready to get off on Founders to take the short cut. It is now HAILING yes HAILING ping pong size to golf ball size hail on my car. And, hmmmm that tornado looks like it is right on the back road heading towards Parker. Self I say, "That's not good" so we blast off and take the longer way on the freeway home to Parker. To finish off the story the Tornado headed straight towards Parker and the area we live and came within about a 1/2 mile. There was no damage done in Parker except to children's psyche...but later we found out that there were two tornado's that touched down in our area and one more north. CRAZY!!!! Enjoy the pictures!

No Children or Animals Were Harmed In Filming of This Tornado

This is the little funnel cloud that definitely
will not turn into a tornado...Wrong!
The next two pictures are views from the
football field in Castle Rock
The next two pictures are the tornado
as we saw it at Jordyn's my neice's.
Yes, the kids were safe in the basement:)
The next 2 are pictures of the tornado next to Horse Creek
on Hess which is a subdivision that is one minute from our
house. About 3 streets away. About 2 minutes from Jordyn's.
(The two pictures below were taken by a cameraman we
saw on Hess next to our house who submitted them to our
news where I copied them. I didn't have
time to get out the telephoto lens :) )
This is a view from my girlfriend Jodie's
house. She lives in Horse Creek.

This is a picture my NEXT DOOR neighbor Jen took!After the tornado the end of the storm. Picture
was taken at Jordyn's house.

XOXOXOXO I promise the Durango post is next :)


Aubre Rice said...

Holy smokes those pictures are so scary and amazing! Did you take all of those? WOW!!! So glad you and the kids are all okay. Geez, how scary!! Hugs to you. Aubre

The Marx Family said...

That is CRAZY! Although the pictures are incredible, I would have peed my pants and cried at the same time. You are brave! I would be in the basement still at this moment. LOL. Glad to know everyone is safe and sound and nothing was damaged!! Phew!